THERE – Theory and Empiricism of Religious Evolution: Foundation of a Research Program

7. The Mutual Transcription of Metaphors in the Fields of Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Cultural Studies

Perhaps the following detailed analogy is exaggerated or too far-fetched: A codon that encodes an amino acid in the biogenetic code consists of three successive building blocks (base triplets), each of which consists of one nucleotide pair. The model of a complete sign drawn up here also comprises six units, namely three differentiations of two elements each. After all, Douglas R. Hofstadter (1999, 519) dares to compare the biochemical and musical structure in his usual playful way: “CUA GAU—Cu Ag Au: A typical segment of mRNA read first as two triplets […], and second as three duplets […]: an example of hemiolia in biochemistry.” This in turn corresponds, on the one hand, to the sequence of the three distinctions in the complete sign, and on the other, to its circular structure of the observational sign form and the observed sign content. There are also analogies to other natural facts. The arrangement of the hydrogen atoms in the sp³-hybridized methane hybrid orbital, for example, corresponds to a tetrahedron that resembles the semiotic double triangle when unfolded in the plane.

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